Thursday, June 16, 2011

Dicks and Dictators: On why crotch shots are democracy's friend

Weiner's been hounded out of Congress for sending pictures of his crotch to various people. Why? What he wants to do in his spare time is his concern and his alone.  He's been forced out for moralistic reasons; forced to resign because it was against the aesthetic and ethic tastes of certain other people. He did nothing illegal, so what has he done exactly that really means he should not serve his full term?

In a democracy and a society that is truly egalitarian in citizenship, we  must be accepting and tolerant of difference. Whether we like or embrace that difference is irrelevant. If something is legal but not to our taste or our way of doing things, it doesn't matter. We still have to let others go about and do their thing and we still have to stand up and defend their right to do it. If we don't then we're nothing but a bunch of moralizing egomaniacs who believe our way and our tastes are the only way of doing things. That is, we become intolerant dictators of how others should live.

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