Friday, June 17, 2011

If you want to ban gay marriage, then you're a socialist.

Democracy is about citizens pursuing life and happiness in a manner which pleases them.

If you want to interfere and stop others from doing that, then you have to have sound reasons such as the protection of our fellow citizens who cannot protect themselves.

You cannot intervene merely on the grounds that you don't like something. That is nothing but state-sponsored bullying.

If you are a Republican, someone who believes in freedom of choice and that government intervention should be kept only to minimal and necessary actions, then how is it possible to justify preventing other people from being happy?  If two gay people chose to marry, it has no impact on non-gays. If we're against gay marriage then we don't have to marry someone of the same sex. That is the limit of our opposition and that should be the limit imposed by the state. We don't like it, we don't have to do it. And as it has no direct impact on us, we don't have the right to stop others from doing it. Anything else is an unwarranted intrusion from big government. It is anti-democratic.

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